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Jack Wilkerson Seeks Hernia Surgery in Seoul, S. Korea
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Since its opening on December 1st, 2005, GIBBEUM Hospital Hernia Center performed 14,028 cases of hernia surgery as of March 31st, 2018, and has conducted more than 1,000 hernia surgeries annually. This is possible because of its boastful history that has helped build the confidence given by our patients. It was Director Yoon-sik Kang of GIBBEUM Hospital who established the first-ever professional hernia center in Korea in 2001. Since its establishment in 2001, Director Kang conducted more than 7,000 hernia surgeries as of 2004 with continuous improvement on the surgical methods of hernia. He has gone so far that he developed a new surgical method of using no artificial mesh, which comes with many side effects. This can be attributed to his focus on hernia surgery as well as his deep concerns and constant research over hernia surgery in response to the inconvenience experienced by patients.

  • - Hernia surgery that comes with no side effects by using no artificial mesh
  • - Hernia surgery that leaves a scar as small as 3 centimeters in size
  • - A dramatic surgical outcome that has a reoccurrence rate of less than 0.2 percent
  • - Hernia surgery with fewer burdens, allowing patients to leave the hospital within 3 to 4 hours after surgery

Now, GIBBEUM Hospital is moving toward its goal of becoming the world’s best hernia center beyond its national boundary.

Hernia Surgery Annual Statistics - Total : 13,273
Photos of operations
Photos of the medical team
Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery

Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery is a new concept of adult inguinal hernia surgery.

We have developed it since we saw many patients suffering from various after effects after having ‘artificial mesh hernia surgery.’

Some people are wondering if the reoccurrence rate may increase unless artificial mesh is used.

Reversely, however, no mesh hernia surgery has an almost zero percent reoccurrence rate according to the statistics currently available.

Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Repairs is a very simple and solid surgery that only stitches up internal inguinal ring after removing the hernia sac.

Though confusing from the patient’s perspective, the existing inguinal hernia surgeries, including artificial mesh hernia surgery, keep the hernia hole intact. Retroperitoneal repairs in the past is a surgical method (Laparoscopic hernia surgery) to cover the inner side of the hernia ring that leaves the inner hernia ring and pulls the separate muscles in the outer layer to stitch up to cover the outer part of inner hernia ring (Lichtenstein, Mesh plug method).

While GIBBEUM’s no mesh hernia surgery is to mend only the hole in the fence, retroperitoneal repairs or artificial mesh hernia surgery conducted by most hospitals are building a defense line at the rear post 10 kilometers away from the front line without mending the hole in the fence.

These kinds of surgeries are less effective, their surgical range is broad and complex, they are highly likely to come with side effects, and the recovery might be slow.

Furthermore, retroperitoneal repairs and artificial mesh surgery (including incision surgery and laparoscopic surgery) had a 10 to 20 percent and 2 to 5 percent of recurrence rate, respectively.

To help you understand, here is a table that summarizes the above mentioned.

  Retroperitoneal repairs Artificial mesh hernia surgery Kang Yoon-sik’s no mesh hernia surgery
Hernia hole Left as it is Left as it is Completely mended
Defense line Built Built Not built
Materials of defense line Muscles around inguinal region Artificial mesh -
Use of artificial mesh No Yes No

Now you can clearly see the difference between Kang Yoon-sik’s no mesh hernia surgery and retroperitoneal repairs.

You can also see the difference between Kang Yoon-sik’s no mesh hernia surgery and artificial mesh hernia surgery.

Advantages of Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery

Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery has many advantages over existing hernia surgeries.

① It conducts a minimal incision limited to 3 centimeters.
It only takes complete care of the hernia hole without inserting artificial mesh. Therefore, the surgical range is very narrow and a minimal incision within 3 centimeters is available.

② It is a minimally invasive surgery that involves a very narrow surgical range.
Inserting artificial mesh requires a space for the mesh, and exfoliation should be done for the wide range of the inguinal part. Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery, however, does not need this process, minimizing the surgical range.

③ The duration of surgery is very short.
It takes about 20 minutes. There is no process of inserting artificial mesh so that the duration of surgery can be shorter. It is 10-20 minutes shorter than incision artificial mesh surgery and 30-40 minutes shorter than laparoscopic artificial mesh surgery.

④ Local anesthesia is available.
The surgical range is small and the duration of surgery is short. That is why local anesthesia is possible. Local anesthesia is advantageous for patients in many ways, compared to spinal or general anesthesia.

⑤ It is less painful after surgery.
It is least painful after the surgery since it is a simple surgery that takes a very small surgical range.

⑥ You can leave the hospital 3 to 4 hours after the surgery.
It is natural if you have a simple surgery with less pain and local anesthesia.

⑦ There is almost no reoccurrence.
It is almost free from the possibility of reoccurrence as it finds and mends the hernia hole, the major cause of hernia. Such a good surgical outcome cannot be earned by any other surgeries.

⑧ It has a low occurrence rate of chronic postsurgical pain and no other serious after effects due to artificial mesh.
It is natural that after effects are minimal since it is a minimally invasive surgery with a narrow surgical range. It also uses no artificial mesh so that any severe pain, infections or irritation due to artificial mesh can never happen and chances of rare complications due to artificial mesh such as enterobrosis or bladder perforation are also none.

I want to know about hernia
Do I have a hernia?
What is hernia?
What kinds of hernia are there?
Is operation absolutely necessary?
Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Repairs
Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery
Advantages of Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery
Outcomes of Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery
World’s Best Product, Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery
Many Foreigners also Look for Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery
Local Anesthesia Hernia Surgery
Types of Anesthesia for Inguinal Hernia Surgery
Why Local Anesthesia Hernia Surgery Is Good
Local Anesthesia Is Very Safe for Everyone
How Is Local Anesthesia for Hernia Surgery Applied?
One Day Surgery
From Appointment to Surgery
From appointment to discharge from the hospital
Do You Live Outside of Korea?
Preparation prior to surgery
Duration of surgery
Postsurgical pain
Day surgery or leave the hospital one day after surgery
No need to visit again
Overseas trip, travel, life
Cost of surgery (as of Nov 2016)
Do You Have "Medical Insurance"?
Korean National Insurance
Other Insurances
Insurance from Overseas
After effects of Artificial Mesh Surgery
Background of Conduct of Artificial Mesh Surgery
What’s the Problem with Artificial Mesh Surgery?
The US FDA Warns of Serious Aftereffects from Artificial Mesh Surgery
Artificial Mesh Removals are Increasing
Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery is also conducted through Artificial Mesh Surgery
Differences between Kang Yoon-sik’s No mesh Hernia Surgery and Posterior Abdominal Wall Repairs
Yes, We strive to be your goood friend!